Lately, I’ve noticed a frightening Internet trend. It’s the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. Do these anti-feminists really know what they’re talking about? Do they understand what feminism is, or are they ascribing their beliefs to antiquated or invented stereotypes about the movement? And how can we talk to anti-feminists about feminism in a healthy way?

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When we think about truck drivers, construction workers, garbage collectors, plumbers, electricians, and other blue-collar work, few of us immediately imagine women performing these tasks. But there are many women who want to (and do!) work in non-traditional trades. Many people think we can’t perform these tasks, but I’m here to tell you that we can and we do!

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Feminism is much more than simply addressing the wage gap, climbing the corporate ladder, or ensuring access to abortion services. Women of color have never had the privilege to solely focus on women’s issues — gender and racial inequalities combined so often ravage both our physical and mental health. Here are 4 ways women of color experience sexism differently.

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I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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If you were to accept everything you heard about Latinas, you might think they were scheming and hypersexual, yet socially conservative women whose “equal educational opportunities” and “competitive purchasing power” signify their “arrival.” In fact, the lives of U.S. Latinas are much more nuanced than pundits, marketers, and producers would like to convince you.

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At some point in our lives, most people will need to take off an extended period of time to deal with a family or medical issue. Despite this, only 12% of workers in America receive paid family leave through their jobs. And the lucky ones that do are disproportionately well-educated, high-earning, and male. But what about the rest of us? What happens if we fall ill or have a child?

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Yes, black women have strength. But time and time again, the word “strong” has been used to dehumanize black women, to trivialize their pain, to create an impossible standard for young black girls to strive towards. For black women, taking that strength back means calling out the ways in which their strength is used against them. It’s time for us to debunk some myths.

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Parties can be profoundly dangerous places, especially for women. But men attempting to be a good ally to women can quickly devolve into some paternalistic “white knighting” that can easily recreate the very systems of power and oppression that we’re looking to undermine. So how can men prevent sexual violence and act as allies to women at parties?

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Cosmo has a lot to say about sex. But what they have to say is based on tired stereotypes, heteronormativity, and traditional gender roles. As such, most of their “advice” is anything but helpful. They aren’t giving women the factual and comprehensive information about sex that they probably need. So instead, remember these rules for having great sex.

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I have become so accustomed to calling myself fat – and fat being a word that I associate with pride and joy – that at times, I forget how radical (and scary) an act it truly is. And I think that when we make room for only the most radical people or the most radical vocabulary, we leave many people behind. So I explored this feeling through conversations with women about what other words they love in describing their big bodies.

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Everyone is entitled to a relationship with their body that is based in care and respect. It’s time to stop thinking of your body as a hostile encasing in which you are imprisoned. So, in search of answers about self-love, I asked eight of the most fabulous curvy women that I know one question: What is the big secret of your relationship to your body? And here’s what they said.

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With more cuts on the horizon and alternative sources of funding hard to find, there remain low-income women who don’t have access to any sort of legal aid. So even though we’ve come a long way in building our justice system, we still need to consider the ways in which it fails to serve certain populations. Low-income women often face a lack of legal options in many arenas.

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While we talk a lot about harmful media beauty ideals like extreme thinness, sex appeal, etc, one of the most oppressive ideals excludes anyone who isn’t white – ie whitewashing of beauty. And in our society, it has a negative impact on females who rarely see images of their own races depicted in a positive manner and on how white people (and all people) view women of color.

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Yes, black women have strength. But time and time again, the word “strong” has been used to dehumanize black women, to trivialize their pain, to create an impossible standard for young black girls to strive towards. For black women, taking that strength back means calling out the ways in which their strength is used against them.

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