Traditional "men's" and "women's" restroom figures being pointed to with an arrow leading to "Nope."

What would you tell your younger self? For this author, there’s a lot that he wishes he’d known as a young genderqueer and non-binary person. So here are his words to his younger self, shared with you as a reminder of how important you are. Even if you don’t identify as non-binary, you can read this for comfort and validation wherever your path takes you.

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One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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Tween girls are too often silenced about their own girlhood, leading to their behaviors being determined by how comfortable or uncomfortable someone else seems to be with what they say or do. Here are a few prevalent but toxic messages to watch out for and some constructive alternatives to help encourage them to get in touch with their voice and speak up.

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My daughters are the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of living. They’ve helped me to see both my potential and my limitations, and they’ve helped me to understand the need for deeper, more consistent dialogue around self-exploration and radical self-expression. These understandings have led to some pretty radical shifts in how the four of us choose to live.

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