Two teenagers watching TV, looking dissatisfied

When you’re a teenager, your life is all about glamour, adventure, and romance, right? Well, no. But that’s what’s on TV. And while TV’s fictional stories may seem harmless, they can set up unhealthy expectations of how your life is supposed to be. So here’s the real deal – why your reality is valid. How has your teenage experience been different from TV?

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Sibling sexual abuse is one of the most under-studied family violence issues, but it’s not entirely uncommon. And since the recent Lena Dunham controversy, it’s become a hot topic of debate in feminist circles. Where’s the line between typical experimentation with bodies and sexual abuse? This article sheds some light on the subject, giving you a place to start.

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“Why is this event only for [insert marginalized identity]? I’m an ally! I want to show my support.” While it can hurt when you come with good intentions, a healing space that is only for people of a marginalized identity that you don’t share is not for you. And that’s actually ok and needed. But sometimes we forget that and demand entry. Here’s another approach.

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CW: Addiction, Sexual Assault, Sex… in general. This article is about sex. I have always had a negative relationship with sex. I discovered masturbating early, around six or seven years old. I would use masturbating combined with my active imagination and constant daydreaming as a way to escape the loneliness and isolation I felt not…

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Refugees and migrants across the globe are desperate to cross borders to seek new possibilities for themselves and their families. Many are interested in crossing into the United States particularly. It’s actually the top global destination for migrants and refugees worldwide. Unstable political situations, armed conflict, scarcities in solid infrastructure and resources, and devalued currencies…

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“Forced Intimacy” is a term I have been using for years to refer to the common, daily experience of disabled people being expected to share personal parts of ourselves to survive in an ableist world. This often takes the form of being expected to share (very) personal information with able bodied people to get basic…

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