Rape is portrayed as something cis men do to cis women. This myth ignores the stories of too many survivors and protects their perpetrators who don’t identify as such. If we want to fight rape culture and advocate for all survivors, we have to stop gendering rape and upholding stereotypes. This infographic reminds us to support ALL survivors and hold ALL perpetrators accountable.

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As an adopted child, I promised myself that I would find my family in Korea. So when I came out as a trans woman, I could never find the will to move forward with my transition – taking hormones or surgery – despite the opportunity to do so. And my hesitation was largely due to my unknown family living far away in Korea. So I went to find my biological mother.

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Handcuffed hands behind a woman's back

In the US, incarceration is used as a tool to enforce societal hierarchy and maintain systems of privilege. The people who comprise our prison population usually end up in the criminal justice system due to the circumstances of their oppression – and more than ever, those people are women of color. Read on to discover why this is a feminist issue that needs attention.

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