We must get in touch with our cultural heritage to understand our stake in ending White Supremacy through a connection to what we lost, but we also have to understand and remain accountable to the privileges that Whiteness affords us every day. In some ways, this is a complex tension to hold. Because while not all White people are bad, Whiteness surely is.

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This article was originally published on In These Times. It has been lightly edited and republished here with the author’s permission. Ever since the earth-shaking election of Donald Trump, there have been innumerable articles arguing that Democrats brought this upon themselves by losing white, working-class voters in the Midwest. These articles have been met with…

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A parent reading to their child

When this author’s son was born, it made sense that he would stay home with him while his wife returned to her job. Besides, he wanted to be there as closely as he could to experience life with the baby. It didn’t even occur to him that this decision had a political element – but of course it did. Read about how watching his son grow had him reevaluating his feminism.

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Trans people have to put up with a lot of crap from straight cis people: everything from people being offended to find out that the person they found attractive is “actually a man,” to asking invasive personal questions about a trans person’s genitalia. Check out this spoken word poem by J Mase III that pokes fun at these entitled attitudes.

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When Amy arrived at college, she hardly identified as a feminist. Conversely, when Erin arrived at college, she was already a full-fledged feminist activist. Now Amy and Erin are both in college – one conservative and one liberal – and they see the need for some advice on how to be a collegiate feminist activist, regardless of your environment. This article is it.

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