Person smiling

The number one question the patriarchy is asking is: “How do we make women feel less-than, now that they think they’re enough?” And, often, patriarchy finds ways to do so. This article addresses four ways that Indian culture in particular works to stifle women’s liberation, as well as this author’s suggestions for how to push back against it and stand up for yourself.

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“Do I pass?” According to our society’s standards, women who are trans, women of color, fat, disabled, and more will never “look like a woman right” – so this author’s getting it wrong on purpose. Dysphoria can leave us heartbroken around as we try to fit the impossible standard of womanhood. With this moving article, learn about the power of looking like you.

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Handcuffed hands behind a woman's back

In the US, incarceration is used as a tool to enforce societal hierarchy and maintain systems of privilege. The people who comprise our prison population usually end up in the criminal justice system due to the circumstances of their oppression – and more than ever, those people are women of color. Read on to discover why this is a feminist issue that needs attention.

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Most men don’t want to be sexist. But because our culture privileges them — especially white, cisgender, straight men, they benefit from and often participate in sexism without even knowing it. And if they don’t recognize that, they can hurt other people – if unintentionally. So let’s break down how you can recognize and stop “subtle” sexism in your life.

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