You’ve seen the stereotype before: Asian woman falls in love with white hero and then cries when he inevitably leaves her. It’s one of the most tired tropes around Asian women in our media and, yes, even extends to Harry Potter. Check out this kickass poem by Rachel Rostad to JK Rowling on how this misrepresentation is damaging and dehumanizing and why we need to do better.

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When it comes to addressing domestic abuse and working to eradicate it, feminism has played a critical role. But there’s one area of abuse that doesn’t get enough recognition in the movement: child abuse – especially child abuse committed by women. In order to address it, we need to see the abuse of children for what it is, regardless of the abuser’s gender.

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News flash: Women have body hair. Armpits, legs, genitals — even faces. And it’s become a widely accepted rule that they must remove this hair. Some women choose to do this freely, and some women choose to defy this standard. But the stigma runs even deeper than that. Here are four harmful side effects of body hair stigma that you may have overlooked.

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Have you ever been defined through a calm waters lens? You know the type, right? That “Why does she always have to make shit so uncomfortable for everybody by speaking out?” type. Surely, there are moments when the best thing to do is to shut up and wait for safety. But don’t default to that logic, because your safety and your enslavement aren’t always the only two choices you have.

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I still, on occasion, wear make-up. But what is the rationale behind the choice? I still question myself about it, mainly to minimize any risk of my falling into the trap of presenting versus being present. What is your make-up motive? Is the choice to wear make-up yet another trap that women fall prey to when battling between who they are expected to be, and who they authentically are?

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Women’s rights in the United States have come a long way. But as we reflect on the remarkable progress the feminist movement has made in creating a more just and equal society, I challenge us to also look ahead to our next few decades of work. By 2040, let’s make sure young feminists can marvel at the following ten things that women of our generation were once not able to do.

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When women write about feminism, some men threaten them with rape and murder, call them “man-haters,” verbally abuse them, and more. But men’s online harassment of women seems to go unquestioned, even defended, in most circles. So it’s not enough for me to simply not harass women myself – if I don’t raise my voice when I see this, I’m letting the Limbaughs be the lone voices of my gender.

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Becoming a mother is not easy and society doesn’t make it any easier. There’s constant pressure on mothers to be sure they are doing everything “perfect” to raise their children or else they’re be screwed up. And that fear can seriously mess up your ability to figure out what your child and you, as a mother, need.

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