All youth should feel protected, safe, and happy, but far too many young people who are sexual and/or a/gender minorities do not. So how can we change that? Let’s start by understanding it. Delve into three issues that have a major impact on the mental health of LGBTQIA+ youth, and get informed with some concrete evidence on what we need to change for our youth.

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Too often bisexuality and pansexuality are pitted against each other in the name of fighting transphobia. Calling out transphobia is vital. But too often this debate is used more to devalue the other identity. Let’s talk about why this debate is hurting cis polysexual people and trans people of all sexual orientations and how we can support everyone instead.

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Trans men, like all people, need to know how to have fulfilling, safe, healthy sex to feel whole and good about ourselves. We deserve it (and don’t let anyone tell you differently). But most out trans boys, trans men, and trans masculine people I know receive inadequate, if not wholly non-existent, sex talks. So here are seven key places to start.

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