With inaccurate media representations and the cultural stigma, there are a lot of misconceptions about people in the sex industry. We too often fail to see the complexity and diversity in who is engaged in commercial sex, why they’re doing it, and the degree of consent and coercion involved. These myths keep us from seeing this issue for what it really is. So let’s debunk them.

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Beauty pageants have been targets of feminist criticism since their creation. (And who can blame us?) In response to this pushback, many pageants have begun emphasizing their scholarship programs. Miss America claims to make available over 45 million dollars for scholarships annually. Except… that’s not really true. Watch John Oliver expose this lie while delivering an epic takedown of the Miss America Pageant.

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(Trigger warning: violence against women.) Misogyny is omnipresent in our society, but it has an especially widespread presence in video games. Female characters in games (if present at all) rarely play any significant role. Instead, they’re often reduced to background decoration used to advance the male protagonist’s journey — often through hypersexualized and/or violent means.

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