Person on a street listening to music through earphones

Some are baffled by those of us who make the choice to be alone. Others think aloneness means something’s wrong with you or that you’re self-centered. Here’s a more empowering perspective. Read about this author’s practice of deliberately spending time alone to see how you can grow your self-confidence all on your own – without needing anyone else to complete you.

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Silhouettes of raised hands against a gradient background of teal and sea green

For too long, the feminist movement has excluded too many people. And that hurts all of us. You might have learned about how oppression is connected and why solidarity is important, so here’s the next step – how to create actual inclusivity. From someone who’s fought for her own inclusion, learn what it takes to change how we do our work for a more equitable world.

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Person with their fingers crossed, hoping

You’re giddy with excitement for your first date with another woman! So don’t let narrow expectations of what relationships “should” be get you down. Take these tips on everything from what to wear to how to make a perfect plan. These are the keys to breaking down heteronormativity and building up meaningful relationships – full of respect and a whole lot of fun.

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Handcuffed hands behind a woman's back

In the US, incarceration is used as a tool to enforce societal hierarchy and maintain systems of privilege. The people who comprise our prison population usually end up in the criminal justice system due to the circumstances of their oppression – and more than ever, those people are women of color. Read on to discover why this is a feminist issue that needs attention.

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An Asian woman dressed in all white sits on her floor and holds her pregnant belly with one hand

For a country so taken with the idea of “family values,” the United States does a remarkably terrible job at helping people start families. We’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t have a law guaranteeing that new mothers receive paid maternity leave. And in most workplaces, paternity leave remains unheard of. So what do we need to know, and how can we fix it?

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Side portrait of a person sad, with their eyes closed

“You should be thankful!” Have you ever heard that about catcalls? Many conversations on street harassment leave out this part – how it feels when harassers are the only ones saying you’re beautiful. Here’s one woman’s story of getting messages that it’s impossible to be beautiful and be Black, and growing to reject those ideas and find validation in herself. (Trigger Warning)

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Star Wars logo

The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015, and it’s essential that we make sure the next Star Wars installment gets it right. While racists have made their displeasure about the #blackstormtrooper known, we’re gearing up for the film with these six issues to correct. Use this list to call for a more inclusive galaxy, not a more racist, misogynistic one.

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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Every day, our children are shown the gender box they are expected to live inside of and are encouraged to shrink down the parts of themselves that don’t fit that narrow mold. If we truly want our children to succeed in this world, they need our help to smash open the very boxes we’ve constructed for them – to claim their place, their voice, and their power. But how?

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You know that not only does domestic violence in the trans community play out in slightly different ways, but trans survivors often face obstacles when trying to access resources. It’s not easy to approach a loved one about their abusive relationship. But you don’t need to be an expert. You just need to be there.

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Domestic violence is about power. When one’s trans identity challenges conventional gender definitions, its boundaries, and its performances, DV survivors can often feel disempowered. And because it is happening in trans* communities, we need to talk about it and what you can do to help. With the right knowledge and tools, you can help facilitate recovery.

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Mainstream feminists must listen to women of Color when they voice their struggles. I don’t believe feminisms is a monolithic movement, so I understand why some feminist groups and organizations focus their work on the issues that affect their immediate communities. But hear me out, and you’ll understand why immigration reform must be seen as a feminist issue foremost.

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The winter holidays are upon us and whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Yule you are probably going to be giving a gift sometime this month. Children are bombarded with limiting, negative messages in the media but you can buy gifts that show a different way to think about the world. For help, check out our list of gifts for the under 10 year feminist crowd.

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Popular culture has a way of turning modern women into villains. It equates women’s independence with arrogance, and their modernity with shamelessness. It ends up strengthening the good woman/bad woman dichotomy – the dichotomy that pits women against women. Here are a few simple ways that a good girl/bad girl dichotomy is created in society and in pop culture, looking in particular at South Asian media.

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