Two people sitting on a couch, playing video games

For women into online gaming, revealing the simple fact that we’re women can leave us vulnerable to harassment. Here, one woman shares how her problems went away when she played as a male character – and how one man who learned of her gender escalated his aggression to a dangerous level. Read her account of the gaming culture that made #Gamergate possible.

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Love YouTube videos? You should know this about the women who make them: “I love making YouTube videos. I love making content that makes you laugh or think or see the world differently. I hate that my job comes with a daily dose of harassment.” In this video, these women share about the sexist, racist, and body-shaming comments that regularly slam their work. (Trigger Warning)

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Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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