When you think “eating disorders,” do you automatically think of women? It’s true that women are more commonly affected by eating disorders, but millions of men and boys also battle them. Yet, because our society sees eating disorders as a “women’s issue,” we often overlook and minimize how eating disorders affect men. So check out this infographic to learn more.

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Some people seem to think that lesbians aren’t as subjected to misogyny as straight women are–and that’s just not true. All women are turned into sexual objects–even lesbians. Here to set the record straight about how misogyny affects lesbians is Arielle Scarcella. Watch her explain a few of the ways lesbian women are objectified, oppressed, and marginalized.

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STEM fields are perceived as male, no matter what statistics say. Even fields where women earn more than half of degrees awarded, such as in chemistry and math, are considered “male-dominated.” That’s incredible: Even when we are the majority, we are somehow in a field that does not belong to us. So what are some reasons why STEM needs women and women need STEM?

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“Why can’t we tell young women how to keep themselves safer?” Because for decades, survivors have been attacked, blamed, and shamed with questions and comments like, “What did you expect? You were drunk.” But is it possible to help women be safer without engaging in victim blaming? I think so. Here’s what we’ve learned about helping women and members of other oppressed groups claim their power.

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Growing up, it didn’t take much for me to realize that power lay in the masculine. There was power in being one of the boys. And I wanted in. It’s no wonder why some women trade in their womanhood for a piece of the golden ticket to ride along the manhood train of success. And in doing so, these women cut themselves off from the rest of womankind. They become the exception – the loophole women.

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Fat women are subjugated to so much insult, harassment, discrimination, abuse, and dehumanization. Sometimes, it feels as if there is no escape from fat hatred and oppression — even when it’s carefully masked as a compliment. Check out this video to learn just how problematic fatphobic pseudo-compliments, like “You have a pretty face,” are to fat women.

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If you ask street harassers why they catcall women, chances are they’ll say they mean it as a compliment. “If women on the street said I look nice, it would make my day!” But the thing is, it’s not a compliment. It’s obnoxious at best and terrifying at worst. This cartoon demonstrates how absurd it is to expect people to be flattered by street harassment.

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It’s ironic that while women are constantly bombarded with attacks on abortion rights, our society and economic system provide virtually no support for women when they decide to have children. The reality is that the average American woman faces policies, practices, attitudes, and health barriers that make motherhood incredibly difficult. Here are four examples.

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With stories like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Fault In Our Stars, and Bridesmaids hitting the market in the last few years, women and girls are finally being represented in media. While this is amazing, there are still groups of people who are underrepresented — including women and girls of color. This lack of representation does a disservice to everyone.

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