As the author of a book called “gender-neutral” parenting, it might sound like I would argue that buying a “girls only” toy is sexist and teaches kids the wrong thing. It is easy to focus on how well the toy fits into the stereotypes of the pink aisle at the toy store instead of how it breaks the mold of the pink aisle. So here’s why I think that toys like Goldie Blox can be good ideas.

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Superhero films are known for their male-centric nature. Women are left sorting through the female characters that we are offered, and boy, is it grim. The common question that comes up when chatting with people about the role of gender in superhero films is: “Well, he is sexy too, isn’t he? It’s unfair to both sexes.” And the answer is yes, it is. But there’s more.

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You need to understand that your marginalized friends don’t want to call you out. It’s even more uncomfortable for us than it is for you, because in the end, all we want is for you to be on our side, and there’s always a chance that you won’t be. So here, for you, is a list of things not to do when a friend finally summons up the courage it takes to tell you what’s what.

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Far too often, young people tear each other down and target one another for sustained violence, harassment, or neglect in order to feel more powerful, particularly when the person exhibiting bullying behavior is feeling powerless. But if we want to end the problem, we have to do the tough work of changing culture and climate. It’s time we change how we talk about bullying.

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Pronouns are an important part of our language. Using the right pronouns in our own daily language and asking others to do the same isn’t enough to change the extreme transphobia, discrimination, and violence that trans* people experience, but it’s a simple way to use language to show respect for our friends, to make trans* issues visible, and to challenge gender-based oppression.

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Unfortunately, most of us have heard anti-welfare sentiment many times before, from sources both expected and surprising. Many Americans would rather pretend poverty isn’t an issue in our country. Worse yet, they’d prefer to blame low-income people for their status while supporting plans to dismantle the safety net. So how did we get here as a nation? And what can we do?

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When women write about feminism, some men threaten them with rape and murder, call them “man-haters,” verbally abuse them, and more. But men’s online harassment of women seems to go unquestioned, even defended, in most circles. So it’s not enough for me to simply not harass women myself – if I don’t raise my voice when I see this, I’m letting the Limbaughs be the lone voices of my gender.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the assumptions people make about living in a fat body. I want to break some of those erroneous assumptions about living in a fat body down. I want to talk about how it feels to live in a fat body.

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“How come all of you are addicted to drugs?” “Why can’t you sleep at a shelter?” “Why don’t you get a job?” These are a few of the common questions that those of us with the privilege of relative financial security ask of homeless people. And they betray a serious lack of empathy and understanding. Wanna know why? Check out this article to learn more.

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Feminism is much more than simply addressing the wage gap, climbing the corporate ladder, or ensuring access to abortion services. Women of color have never had the privilege to solely focus on women’s issues — gender and racial inequalities combined so often ravage both our physical and mental health. Here are 4 ways women of color experience sexism differently.

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Chivalry refers to all of its historical relevance. It carries the weight of patriarchal male privilege and female subordination dichotomies. And as such, if taken with all of its historical context and breadth of connotation, can be considered to be a part of rape culture. And if you’re not trying to bring up all that jazz, then maybe chivalry simply isn’t the word you’re looking for.

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As a gay man, you have male privilege but being gay complicates that, making you seem less-than in many people’s eyes. Many bigots see you as being like a woman or wanting to be a woman, which some gay men will internalize as negative. Feminism looks at that thought and says, “What’s wrong with being a woman?” I needed to hear that message at 18, and I still need to hear it now.

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