Person in a sweatshirt with their hands up in the air, celebrating success, in the sunset

Feminism hasn’t always been inclusive, so transgender folks who are frustrated with feminism have valid reasons. But if you want to know what a positive experience for a trans feminist could be like, look no further than this article. This author shows how valuable – and life-changing – a trans-inclusive feminism can be. This is how we want our feminism to be.

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Against a yellow background, keyboard keys spell out "racism." All of the keys are white except for the "A" key, which is black.

“Why does everything have to be about race?” That question often comes from people with white privilege who aren’t exposed to even a fraction of the racial bias out there. When you can simply choose not to think about it, it’s easy to believe racial bias isn’t there. So here are examples to show the reality of racial bias to anyone doubting its pervasiveness.

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Have you ever had trouble finding the group within feminism that feels right for you? Most of us have multi-faceted identities, so as one uniform movement western feminism leaves many of us out. It’s time to learn about transnational feminism – what it is and what we can accomplish with it. Find out why we have to think globally to end systemic oppression.

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If you’re at all involved with online social justice, you’ve probably encountered trigger warnings — and you’ve also probably seen some confusion about (and even push back against) them. Are they patronizing? Are they helpful? How do we use them? And what exactly ARE they? Here’s a primer on why, when, and where they can (and in some cases, should) be used.

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Most men don’t want to be sexist. But because our culture privileges them — especially white, cisgender, straight men, they benefit from and often participate in sexism without even knowing it. And if they don’t recognize that, they can hurt other people – if unintentionally. So let’s break down how you can recognize and stop “subtle” sexism in your life.

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Being an ally is difficult, especially as a heterosexual cis male. The pressures of (traditional notions of) masculinity and a lifetime of systematic patriarchal training are difficult to overcome. So I have compiled four pieces of advice — based on my own experiences and slip-ups — to help all cis males (myself included) become open feminists and allies.

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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Despite what we like to think, feminism is not always the inclusive space that we want it to be. It can actually be an unsafe place for those seen as outsiders. A small (but vocal!) minority of feminists has a history of purposefully excluding trans struggles from feminism. And not only is this harmful for trans people, but it actually weakens feminism. Here’s why.

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A lot of ignorance exists around sex and disability, especially regarding media portrayals involving providers of commercial sex.The problem lies in the way it’s presented, encouraging the audience to gawk and giggle. At the end of the day, no one is actually meant to perceive disabled people as desirable. So yes, getting laid is awesome, but it isn’t the end-all, be-all for everyone.

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