iPhone with a speech bubble, reading "#Activism"

We – as social justice activists – need to explore beyond thinking of the very large and very public demonstrations as the sole means of radical change. Who is included in our idea of “activists?” In which ways are we unintentionally excluding folks in this vision? What other platforms are activists using to raise awareness about injustice? Let’s talk about it.

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One person staring ominously straight while another's hand is placed over their mouth, quieting them

(Trigger Warning: Intimate partner violence, sexual assault) Family violence affects people of all backgrounds. So don’t all survivors deserve support? With her story, one woman exposes the terrible truth about the racism and stigma aboriginal survivors face when they try to pursue safety and justice. Read her powerful story of surviving intimate partner and sexual abuse, and let’s advocate for justice for all survivors.

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Whiteness is a system that was created for the sole purpose of consolidating power in the hands of a few in the US. And so, we face a choice: continue to invest in white supremacy, which dehumanizes everyone, or stand on the side of justice and regain our humanity. Ask yourself: What are you willing to give? And then check out these four ways to divest from whiteness.

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