There’s never a shortage of discord within the feminist community. These internal disagreements are often spoken about as being negative. But what if we collectively decided that disagreement isn’t inherently bad? I’m here to argue that we need difference of opinion within the feminist community — both for the good of the movement, and for the end of oppression.

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Trans women are a component of queer women’s communities, so a lack of respect amongst us just means more devaluing of women, when society dishes out plenty of that for all of us already. So with that in mind, I have put together some suggestions for cis women on thinking through some basic trans issues, including ideas on approaching trans women in a romantic or intimate context.

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Here’s your Weekly Feminist Round-Up, a collection of the top sociopolitical news stories and creative justice-focused content from around the globe. This week: Janay Rice speaks out about those racist DV Halloween costumes, updates from the missing Nigerian girls, and the unspoken problem with that video about street harassment in New York City. Check it out!

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Flavia Dzodan responded to white feminism with: “My feminism will be intersectional, or it will be bullshit.” We need to be inclusive of all struggles, including racism — even when it makes white feminists uncomfortable to have their white privilege pointed out. Check out this spoken word poem on why feminism must be intersectional around race.

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This author has always supported gender equality – so why are they scared of white women? This is a critical perspective on how white womanhood is weaponized.

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It’s exhausting when you feel like you’re having the same conversation over and over again in regards to social injustices that are important to you. It can be even more frustrating when you realize that whether your conversation is in-group or out-group, it can sound really similar. Here are some examples of talking about non-binary issues with both trans and cis folk.

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More and more people are becoming aware of how horrifically animals are treated, particularly at factory farms, and so are making different purchases. What’s less clear is how animal rights are also a feminist issue since they’re, well, not humans. However, if we open our minds to consider animals, there’s some strong reasons to support that position.

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Many of us have been conditioned to see vaginas (even our own!) as something shameful, only to be talked about when “appropriate.” This perpetuation of silence and shame can make some people uncomfortable about going to the gynecologist, even though it’s an important part of staying healthy. So here’s a step-by-step guide on what to expect.

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Homophobia and transphobia can combine to make queer and trans* immigrants bear the brunt of the U.S.’s already racist and xenophobic immigration laws. Learn how US immigration law impacts the most vulnerable members of our community and how queer and trans* rights activists can be involved in coalition building with immigrant rights’ groups to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

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There’s a midpoint between the lazy and feminist portions of my brain that wants to say, “This thing is feminist because I like it.” But I can’t do that. Because then I wouldn’t have to be critical. This is the problem I have with centering conversations around whether something is feminist: It’s the wrong question to be asking about feminism.

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