Two people coming together to form a heart with their hands

The tragic fatal police shooting of drummer Corey Jones is a terrible reminder of how vulnerable your black friends are to racist violence. You could be in a position to make it worse – and these guidelines will help you avoid that.

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The chances of a white guy going to prison is 1 out of 17. But for black guys, the chances are 1 out of 3. Why? Lots of reasons – namely, racism. Check out this video on the prison industrial complex for a quick, but in-depth understanding of what it means for oppression to exist on a structural, institutionalized level and how that affects people’s day-to-day lives.

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What are the odds you’ll go to prison? They play out earlier than you may think. Here’s an overview of the school-to-prison pipeline, cracking down on children for even the smallest infractions. What’s the impact, and who’s most likely to feel the effects? Learn more about another way the United States incarcerates more people than any other country on earth.

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As the #BlackLivesMatter movement surges forward, many people ask why the focus is so intensely on race. This spoken word poem beautifully addresses that question by explaining the painful and disheartening injustices that Black Americans experience as a result of historical and contemporary forms of anti-Black oppression. Racism is a sad, murderous reality.

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In this spoken word poem, Rowie Shebala explores the painful irony of how the American public and media consumes mass-produced stereotypes of Indigenous identity for frivolity, while disregarding the actual people striving to survive the continuing trauma that colonization and capitalism built. This poem demands that we address and change our oppressive behavior.

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The discussion on street harassment is too often narrowed into a racialized narrative that harms people of color. To be more inclusive and not perpetuate racism, let’s broaden this conversation to examine all the types of people who perpetuate it, where they do it, and the diverse groups of folk who are harmed by it. Here’s some considerations to get you started.

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After a montage of male and female public figures arguing that sexism is obsolete, that catcalling is essentially compliments, and that sexual harassment is just “boys being boys,” Jessica Williams, from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, uses humor and sarcasm to illustrate the pervasive, invasive, and terrifying nature of street harassment and sexism in society.

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Parties can be profoundly dangerous places, especially for women. But men attempting to be a good ally to women can quickly devolve into some paternalistic “white knighting” that can easily recreate the very systems of power and oppression that we’re looking to undermine. So how can men prevent sexual violence and act as allies to women at parties?

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Street harassment is a phenomenon all too familiar to most women, but it’s something they often feel powerless to stop. Kat Lazo addresses male feminist allies as well as the women who encounter street harassment and explains what each can do to fight this pervasive form of misogyny. Watch as she shares her own story of street harassment, and ways she recommends handling similar situations.

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I was groped at work by a woman. My immediate response was to pretend it never happened. My solution was to hold myself responsible and try to “learn from the experience” and “do better in the future.” If that’s how I handled a minor transgression, what must the cultural shame for a major one feel like? But the truth is, she never should have groped me. And I still have trouble believing that.

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