In this beautifully written piece, a young biracial woman sets out to write a letter to her father – a white father to a black daughter. And her heartfelt words are what every white parent of children of color should hear: that race matters, that accountability matters, and that it’s up to you to make sure that you are a part of your child’s understanding of race.

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Animosity over cultural differences can lead to anything from bully and stereotyping, to war and genocide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We take in prejudice slowly and silently through socialization. But because we learn prejudice, we can also unlearn it. Here are a few ways you can fight oppression and practice communal harmony in your everyday life.

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There are a lot of misconceptions about genital reconstruction. “It’s just cosmetic.” “You need therapy, not surgery.” “It’s not like it’s life or death.” And that’s just for general reconstruction conversations! There are even more specific myths about individual kinds of surgery — ie: trans men. Here are eight non-truths about trans men’s genital reconstruction!

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Social media is a great facilitator for interaction with the media. But I have to be honest: some of my fellow Internet activists have their work cut out for them when it comes to their social networking rants, namely those critiquing pop culture. Here are some ideas to keep in mind the next time you need to type out a diatribe about the latest media sensation.

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Trans women are a component of queer women’s communities, so a lack of respect amongst us just means more devaluing of women, when society dishes out plenty of that for all of us already. So with that in mind, I have put together some suggestions for cis women on thinking through some basic trans issues, including ideas on approaching trans women in a romantic or intimate context.

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