When we teach young boys how to “act like a man,” what are we really teaching them? Poet Joseph Capehart argues that our socially constructed view of masculinity is wolf-like: violent, aggressive, and emotionless. And our boys – and later, our men – struggle with and suffer from that. So watch this performance and rethink what masculinity means to you and yours.

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How do you feel when you hear “one size fits all?” Excitement? Dread? The truth is, so many of us don’t fit, and then it’s one more reason to feel bad about our bodies. So if you don’t fit, don’t feel bad. Catch this video with women of varying body types trying on these clothes to remember that you’re not alone – and have some laughs while you’re at it.

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Have you ever benefited from racism? Lots of us would say we haven’t, because the connection between our privileges and racist acts isn’t always clear in our everyday lives. But if we look at the history of the United States, we can start to understand the way oppression works through generations. Check out this clever comic to learn how it all goes down.

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In this spoken word poem, Rowie Shebala explores the painful irony of how the American public and media consumes mass-produced stereotypes of Indigenous identity for frivolity, while disregarding the actual people striving to survive the continuing trauma that colonization and capitalism built. This poem demands that we address and change our oppressive behavior.

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In this spoken word poem, Ela Barton suggests that the hateful sentiment behind Arizona’s SB 1070 law is a frustration about people of color working for themselves and generating inter-community resources, as opposed to subordinately working for white people in positions of power. This policing of race and citizenship protects colonial standards of white supremacy.

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In his spoken word poem “Action,” Guante reflects on how he should have held his friend accountable for the abusive way he spoke about and treated his girlfriend. He analyzes how the media teaches men to think of sex as violence and to victim blame. This poem asks men to speak up and reminds them that rape culture is dependent on their silence and complacency.

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Wondering what feminist and social justice news and content you missed this week? Fear not! Your weekly feminist round-up is here! This week: Raven Symoné dismisses labels, the Vatican announces changes in their perception of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Malala Yousafzai accepts the Nobel Peace Prize. Check out more from this week!

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It’s the favorite advice of patriarchal misogynists everywhere: “Man up.” (See also: “Grow a pair,” “Be a man,” and “Stop acting like a girl.”) This phrase presents a view of masculinity that is oppressive to not just women and gender non-conforming people, but to men as well. Check out Guante’s kick*ss poem with ten ways to respond to this so-called “advice.”

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I’ve had this experience a million times. It’s one of the complicated realities that come along with being a progressive-minded person: The jokes just aren’t as funny anymore. When we can see the humanity behind the people who these jokes target, and when we understand the implications of the privileged laughing at the marginalized, we lose our ability to laugh at their expense.

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What comes to mind when you hear the word “environmentalism”? Earth Day, recycling, celebrating trees and nature? Probably. But what if I told you that environmental issues are feminist issues? That environmental degradation impacts communities based on socio-economic status and gender? There’s a term for this study: eco-feminism. Let’s learn more together.

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It goes without saying that dating as a feminist is no easy feat. The dating compromises that one makes along the way can feel deeply at odds with your personal feminist politics. It can feel like you’re betraying feminism. But there are helpful ways to frame these challenges, and relieve some headache and heartache. Here are three of my tips to dating as a feminist.

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The homeless youth are anywhere from 20-40% LGBTQ due to factors like familial rejection and housing discrimination. Yet the general public is still largely uneducated on why this problem exists or what they can do help. Homeless people are generally a vulnerable population and given how it intersects with being LGBTQ, they’re at even greater risk for violence, abuse, exploitation, and health issues.

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Meaningful and real access to abortion will only come full circle when every woman has insurance coverage for abortion care if she needs it and can make decisions about her reproductive health, free from political interference. With today being the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it is crucial we recognize and address the barriers that so many women continue to face all these years later.

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For bisexual people, representations of our identity in the pop culture world seem to fall into one of two categories. The first is absolute erasure: We encounter TV shows, movies, news reports, songs, trends, books, and essays that refuse to acknowledge the existence or validity of bisexuality in any way. On the other hand, the recent…

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