Love YouTube videos? You should know this about the women who make them: “I love making YouTube videos. I love making content that makes you laugh or think or see the world differently. I hate that my job comes with a daily dose of harassment.” In this video, these women share about the sexist, racist, and body-shaming comments that regularly slam their work. (Trigger Warning)

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Hank Green knows we all want to be appreciated, but he wants you to know that initial attraction isn’t really based in reality. And he’s worried about young women basing their self-worth on whether they appeal to guys, especially since that seems to be how the world is set up. So hear him out in this video where he discusses love at first sight and its nonsense.

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Terms like “ladylike” are in line with equally absurd terms like “acting Black” that lump behavior onto a particular group of people in an effort to reinforce dominant society’s assertion of what is considered desirable and acceptable social protocol. So here are my four top reasons for steering clear of labels and social graces when it comes to my daughters.

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There are people who identify as feminists who try to exclude trans women from any feminist discussion or space, claiming that “there’s so much more to being a woman than wearing a dress or having some surgery.” But that line of thinking reminds us of another group — and it’s not a very flattering comparison. Check out this comic to see how trans-exclusionary logic plays out!

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Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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Coming out as trans* is hard enough without the added difficulty of a substantial language barrier. Check out this week’s video headline to hear Leo’s story of how he came out to the people in his life, including his close family members. Watch Leo impart advice and warnings about the rocky terrain of coming out to people who you can’t even communicate with.

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“Compassionate conservatism” is the idea that one can simultaneously push marginalization, but doing it in a way that shows care. But usually, this “care” is focused all wrong — like, say, toward fetuses, but not toward accessible childcare. And there’s nothing compassionate about that. It’s harmful, it’s hurtful, and it’s oppressive.

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