In his spoken word poem “Action,” Guante reflects on how he should have held his friend accountable for the abusive way he spoke about and treated his girlfriend. He analyzes how the media teaches men to think of sex as violence and to victim blame. This poem asks men to speak up and reminds them that rape culture is dependent on their silence and complacency.

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When I witnessed female classmates dropping out of school at an alarming rate with the express purpose of getting married and starting a family, I wondered, “are traditional gender roles what we fought for?” But later I realized the most important thing is to offer men and women the right to choose their own life path and not feel like their choices are restricted by their gender.

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Bisexual folks have been made the butt of so many jokes, have had their identities excluded from queer communities, and have been accused of perpetuating transphobia and the gender binary. But the castigation of bi identities from queer and gender non-conforming movements reinforces a prejudice that harms people across the gender and sexuality spectrum.

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Asexuality is defined as not experiencing sexual attraction. Seems straightforward, right? But like most things, asexuality isn’t as simple as it appears. Within asexuality there are many different spectra to consider: from gender and sexual attraction to sexual drive and desire. There is a lot of nuance to this identity. Check out this video for a helpful introduction!

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She is my partner. She is not my girlfriend. Choosing to use the word “partner” is somewhat political, but it is also very personal. I choose to use “partner” to not only indicate to society that I desire equality in my relationship, but more importantly, to indicate to my partner that, above all else, I unconditionally respect her as a completely autonomous and equal companion.

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