In the wake of the death of Michael Brown (and Trayvon Martin, and Eric Garner, and John Crawford…), we must remember that brutality toward Black bodies is nothing new in America. Watch Dominique Christina deliver her outstanding poem about Emmett Till and the particular way that she, as a mother of a young Black man, relates to his murder.

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Most of us have survived a trauma but as a society, we’re more often at a loss when it comes to learning how to heal from it. Most of us don’t want to lead our lives with trauma-related feelings of fear, mistrust, and isolation. So what’s the alternative? Love – the simple act of relating to another human and telling a trustworthy person about our experiences can be curative.

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Talking to your kid about sexual abuse probably seems worse than even talking about sex. But given the statistics, your child is much more likely to be molested than to be hit by a car when crossing the street. Here’s how you can reduce your child’s vulnerability to being sexually abused and increase the chances they’ll tell you if something happens.

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