Those of us who experience street harassment know that it’s not a compliment; it’s dehumanizing. But some people still insist that we should be flattered by these catcalls, claiming they “wish they got that kind of attention.” This comic shows what street harassment really looks like, and demonstrates why, no, you really don’t want this kind of attention.

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Choosing whether or not to report sexual assault shouldn’t be a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. But it is. Staying silent often means the issue is never addressed, but when survivors speak up, they’re met with blame and skepticism. It’s a catch-22. This comic by Jim C. Hines perfectly captures how unfair and harmful this double standard is.

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The police murder of Michael Brown has once again brought the attention of the country to the devastating reality of racist violence and structural inequality. With outrage, grief, and pain all over the country, I’m writing this to white people in particular as a call to action to stand with the people of Ferguson. Here are nine suggestions to help move forward.

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