It’s important to discuss kink from a feminist perspective because of the harm that misinformation about our desires can cause. This misinformation can lead to feelings of disempowerment in one’s a/sexuality and relationships, and erardicating that should be part of the foundation of any intersectional feminist movement. So let’s bust three common myths about BDSM.

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Silhouette of a person with their head in their hands, looking distraught

Being a trans person who experiences body dysphoria can be a challenge – both for the person directly experiencing it, as well as for the loved ones around them. The truth is, few people feel prepared to help someone cope with body dysphoria. So if you’re wondering how to support someone with this experience in your life, this list of five tips is a great place to start.

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A lot of people don’t understand what it means to have a non-binary gender identity. That’s understandable. After all, society does a great job enforcing a gender binary. But just because you don’t understand non-binary identities doesn’t mean you get to dehumanize or invade the privacy of non-binary folks! Check out this video for a crash course in what not to say to gender non-conforming people.

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Though this message is not promoted or affirmed within our society: Black women with dark skin ARE beautiful. Sadly, we have to combat a dismal representation of ourselves in the media and blatantly hateful stereotypes when we do get mentioned. But, the media is a lie! In this spoken word poem, Tova Charles affirms her beauty as a Black woman with dark skin.

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Rape is portrayed as something cis men do to cis women. This myth ignores the stories of too many survivors and protects their perpetrators who don’t identify as such. If we want to fight rape culture and advocate for all survivors, we have to stop gendering rape and upholding stereotypes. This infographic reminds us to support ALL survivors and hold ALL perpetrators accountable.

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Have you ever had to deal with the dilemma of checking “male” or “female?” Some of us just can’t be confined to those boxes. And you shouldn’t have to be! Here’s a comic that captures the frustration of this moment. Let the hero of this comic be a hero for all of us whose true identities can’t be defined by these small boxes. You deserve to feel free to be you.

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We’re constantly learning more about ourselves. And as we do, many of us begin to realize that the identities we used to align with don’t have the same resonance anymore. So our identity shifts. And that’s perfectly normal! But sometimes it can feel like we’re doing something by beginning to identify differently. Check out this cartoon for a different perspective!

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