Here’s your Weekly Feminist Round-Up, a collection of the top sociopolitical news stories and creative justice-focused content from around the globe. This week: Janay Rice speaks out about those racist DV Halloween costumes, updates from the missing Nigerian girls, and the unspoken problem with that video about street harassment in New York City. Check it out!

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The reality of male privilege is well established. There is no question that being female carries a significant “life penalty” with it. There’s no denying that male privilege exists. However, sometimes it feels taboo to ask how far male privilege goes. Who better to ask about it, though, than trans men and women who have lived on both sides of the divide?

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The problem of youth homelessness is not often addressed. And when the media does bring attention to it, the discussion is often clouded by victim-blaming, misinformation, and an unfair representation of the situation. So let’s set the record straight with these five important facts about the real lives of the homeless youth population in the United States.

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The unfortunate reality is that few schools are safe spaces for LGBTQ students. When I facilitate professional development sessions for teachers on building inclusive environments for diverse student populations, it’s clear most teachers want to be as supportive as possible to LGBTQ students, but aren’t sure how best to do so. So I’ve compiled a list of 10 things teachers can do to create a more inclusive classroom environment for LGBTQ students.

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“Forced Intimacy” is a term I have been using for years to refer to the common, daily experience of disabled people being expected to share personal parts of ourselves to survive in an ableist world. This often takes the form of being expected to share (very) personal information with able bodied people to get basic…

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Virginity. It’s something we all know of, something we’ve all talked about. It’s something we, as a culture, obsess over. The idea of your first penis-in-vagina sexual encounter being something significant and life altering (well, for women anyway) may seem like just a tradition, but it’s actually very problematic and even harmful. Here are five reasons why.

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Empty, messy bed

“Let’s talk about (fat) sex!” We don’t talk about it nearly enough, but it’s an important part of both sex positivity and body positivity. Just think of all the ways sexuality is stripped from people who are considered fat. Now read this introduction to “Sex at Every Size,” a new set of practices to help us move beyond society’s limits and feel sexy at any size.

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We talk a lot about street harassment as an issue affecting women. But there’s another group that is disproportionately targeted for this kind of violence, only we don’t talk about them nearly as much. Here to fix that is Kat Lazo. Watch Kat take to the streets of NYC and discuss street harassment and other forms of violence with members of the queer community.

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