Unless you know queer men or you are one yourself, you probably have no idea just how many queer men struggle with eating disorders, exercise disorders, and/or incredibly negative body image. Fatphobia in gay male spaces is a social phenomenon, and it runs deep. This is a conversation we need to have both as queer activists and as feminists. Here’s why.

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If there are women in the room, their objectification seems to be a bonding mechanism for butches and men. The patriarchy barters and trades with women as currency, and in those moments, we’re doing the same thing. But I know that we can be empowered without using our power in a way that hurts people. Our masculinity doesn’t have to turn femmes into objects whenever our masculinity is questioned.

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Nursing is very much a gender defined industry and one that has historically been dominated by women. And the work force certainly reflects that. I have had to explain why I work as a nurse because people often think that’s not what “real men” do. We need to work to break down this stereotype and value nursing work and nurses of all genders.

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Due to patriarchy, our society does not want to acknowledge the frequency and impact of sexual violence directed at boys and men. Because of the misogynist socialization of masculinity, boys are taught to embrace and celebrate their abuse. This leads to years of silent trauma for too many men. Let’s debunk some of these harmful stereotypes and inaccurate myths.

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Male allies are extremely important and valuable to the feminist movement! They use their positions of privilege to further the cause in ways that women can’t, and for that we’re grateful. That said, there are a few trends in male feminist behavior that could definitely stand to change. Watch Melissa A. Fabello give a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to male feminists.

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People in queer relationships are often subjected to a barrage of ignorance from the straight community. The most annoying is: “Who’s the man and who’s the woman?” Ah yes, because as queer-identified people, the first thing we want you to do is shoehorn normative gender roles into our relationship! But believe it or not, it’s none of your business.

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We believe parents can start educating children about consent and empowerment as early as 1 year old and continuing into the college years. It is our sincere hope that this education can help us raise empowered young adults who have empathy for others and a clear understanding of healthy consent. There are three sections, based upon children’s ages, preschool, grade school, and teens and young adults.

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There is a war against women, and men and boys are trained everyday to be the soldiers. Misogynist violence isn’t the biological imperative of men. Misogyny is beaten into boys and woven into the fabric of “successful masculinity”. It’s time for men in the millions to declare that we will no longer act as the soldiers in the war against women.

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