Illustration of a person in a faceless crowd, looking entirely overwhelmed and anxious

How does the stigma against mental illness impact you and the rest of our society? Stigmas and silencing protect a hurtful status quo, causing the most harm against those who are most in need of support. So how can you respond? Read on to learn why we must show compassion to combat stigma – and why you have to start with showing compassion to yourself.

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This article originally appeared on Wear Your Voice and was republished here with the author’s permission. If you think that race does not have an impact on the way that an educator teaches school children, please come on in and take a seat. I, a Black student, owe a lot of my academic intelligence to…

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While reflecting on recent news about health care, I think back on the lives of Anarcha, Betsy, Lucy and nine other unnamed enslaved Black women who were experimented on by the “father of modern gynecology,” a white doctor named J. Marion Sims. Without their consent or anesthesia (which was available at the time), Sims perfected…

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