Did the racy pictures get sent around the school? Did you hook-up with someone’s boyfriend and now the whole school hates you? Are you the victim of slut bashing and don’t even know why? The pain and embarrassment of being labeled a “slut’ or ‘ho” can be unbearable but there are steps you can take to navigate a bad reputation.

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iPhone with a speech bubble, reading "#Activism"

We – as social justice activists – need to explore beyond thinking of the very large and very public demonstrations as the sole means of radical change. Who is included in our idea of “activists?” In which ways are we unintentionally excluding folks in this vision? What other platforms are activists using to raise awareness about injustice? Let’s talk about it.

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I want my kids to learn: 1) that they can identify their emotions and self-regulate their behavior, 2) that I love them regardless of their behavior, and 3) that living in a family means finding ways to meet everyone’s needs. The goal is not to suppress the behavior in the moment but to teach the child how to deal with their feelings now and in the future.

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Person gloriously showing off their hairy under arms

Body hair is perfectly normal, so why do we get the message that it’s disgusting and unhygienic? The idea that people can monitor and police other people’s bodies is really messed up. Take it from this author, whose transition taught him that no one’s body fits expectations. Read about his love for his body and get inspired to love your own wild and lovely self.

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I hear it all too often: “I’m not racist, but I just wouldn’t date [insert race/ethnicity].” If you have to start a sentence with a clarification that you’re not racist, that’s a pretty good indicator that you need to reevaluate whatever you’re about to say. You can’t know whether or not you have chemistry with someone unless you get to know them. So be open-minded.

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When Matt and I had first started seeing each other, I often feared that he liked me only because, to him, I was a rare sight. But I put it out of my mind. I didn’t want to think about it. I realize now that our relationship didn’t fail simply because he was white and I was Asian. It failed because we had different values systems.

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