Originally published on Medium and republished here with the author’s permission. Since Inauguration Day, the progressive community and people of good conscience more generally are experiencing a mix of dread, despair and fear as we steel ourselves to face the dystopian reality of the Trump era. We all recognize the threat that a Trump administration represents for…

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With inaccurate media representations and the cultural stigma, there are a lot of misconceptions about people in the sex industry. We too often fail to see the complexity and diversity in who is engaged in commercial sex, why they’re doing it, and the degree of consent and coercion involved. These myths keep us from seeing this issue for what it really is. So let’s debunk them.

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Certain memories of my father stick out on my mind. I remember how he joked that he liked women who looked cheap. I remember I rolled my eyes and laughed with him, I didn’t find it funny at all. Because what did it mean for me, a girl just past puberty, hoping to be wanted by the world? What would I have to do to get love and attention? Who would I have to be?

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