I have firsthand experience with feeling alienated and stereotyped. I have been intimidated in meetings and presentations. And I have also been the intimidator.The belief that there is only space for one woman at the top transcends industries. We must remember that the boardroom is not a throne. There is space around every boardroom table for us – many of us. We just have to barge in as a team.

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This article originally appeared on Wear Your Voice and was republished here with the author’s permission. When it comes to social media etiquette, we are all still learning how to interact with each other while respecting boundaries and the spaces we give ourselves. What has translated over straight from our in-person interactions are racist, sexist…

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We all need to pause and read this comic before using the dictionary definition of racism in an argument. While dictionaries are supposedly authorities on how we speak, they reflect the opinions of some people while excluding many more. Check out this comic to find out about the biased history of the dictionary, and learn a more useful approach to language.

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It was universal the dehumanized way people on Food Stamps are made to feel so in that aspect it is difficult to live on Food Stamps. Well the stigmatization ends for me. I refuse to hang my head for supplementing my husband’s income with SNAP.

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