Originally published on Let’s Queer Things Up! and cross-posted here with his permission. I won’t beat around the bush: Mental illness has pushed me to the edge many, many times. There were times when I was so detached from reality, it necessitated urgent and even drastic interventions to bring me back. There were times when the pain…

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So many people like to argue that society can’t possibly change to accommodate all the needs of its oppressed and marginalized people (though we’re constantly backflipping to protect and validate privilege). But that argument is never based on facts, research, or precedent. Instead, it uses people’s fear of change and loss to deny oppressed people their rights.

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I didn’t realize how important writing our stories was until I started talking about my story — about being estranged from my family, about marriage, about disappointment. As queer people, we need to share the stories of what happens when things don’t pan out, when things are devastating. There is so much power in sharing our stories. Because as the phrase goes, we are not alone.

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