We’ve all been there – just when you think you’ve become a good ally, somebody tells you that you’ve done or said something problematic. Here’s the good news: nobody’s perfect, so you’re not alone. Perfection is not what’s important, and being an ally doesn’t mean you can do no wrong. Read about what is important, and learn what to do if you make a mistake.

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I was born with spastic cerebral palsy. I didn’t think in terms like beautiful/ugly. I was sometimes told I looked nice, but I didn’t expect to hear words like “beautiful” or “stunning” associated with my body. Ever. Those words were for able-bodied people. But now I know that there is room for bodies like mine to be gazed at for reasons other than difference.

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Pile of "Hello, my name is _____" labels

So, someone in your life has asked to be called by a different name. It can be tough to understand name changes at first and really hard to break the habit. But if you want this person to know that you respect them, it’s extremely important that you respect their name choice. How? Learn all about it with these helpful hints on how to navigate relearning a name.

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As a woman, you may feel like the world is flooding your mental inbox with constant messages of how to think, feel, and behave. And as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it may seem as though everyone feels entitled to comment on your “lifestyle” as well. People have some rigid ideas of how both women and gay people should go about their lives. You don’t have to listen to a word of them.

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Language is an extremely finicky thing. Much like a snowball, a language picks up habits from the culture that uses it as time goes on, especially our really bad habits like racism, sexism, and homophobia. If a single word is enough to dismiss and disregard an entire population’s feelings, ideas, and humanity, you can imagine why those people would want it erased from society’s vocabulary.

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If you want to make your disability known, go ahead! It’s a really important part of our lives and you should feel proud to embrace it. If you want to pass, rock on! It’s nice not to have to deal with ableist BS once in a while. No matter what you decide, remember that your disability doesn’t define you – online or offline.

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