Editor’s Note: While this comic asks people to avoid trivializing mental illnesses, it’s also true that self-diagnosis is often the first step towards seeking mental healthcare. For more information on the usefulness of self-diagnosis, please see this article.   To learn more, check out: 5 Unhelpful Things People Say to Trivialize Mental Health Issues A…

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The work of being a feminist doesn’t stop once we claim to be feminists. Years of socialization will not suddenly vanish from one’s mind or way of knowing and experiencing the world. So it’s important we be honest with ourselves about messages we’ve internalized, recognize our privilege, and question our assumptions in order to practice an inclusive, accountable, and progressive feminism.

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Meaningful and real access to abortion will only come full circle when every woman has insurance coverage for abortion care if she needs it and can make decisions about her reproductive health, free from political interference. With today being the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it is crucial we recognize and address the barriers that so many women continue to face all these years later.

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What comes to mind when you hear the word “environmentalism”? Earth Day, recycling, celebrating trees and nature? Probably. But what if I told you that environmental issues are feminist issues? That environmental degradation impacts communities based on socio-economic status and gender? There’s a term for this study: eco-feminism. Let’s learn more together.

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It goes without saying that dating as a feminist is no easy feat. The dating compromises that one makes along the way can feel deeply at odds with your personal feminist politics. It can feel like you’re betraying feminism. But there are helpful ways to frame these challenges, and relieve some headache and heartache. Here are three of my tips to dating as a feminist.

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In this Weekly Feminist Round-Up: the connection between the reaction to ebola and racism is explored, we get some rather triumphant news from Texas about abortion access, and justice was served for Jordan Davis, a young black man murdered over loud music. Read about these and other feminist and social justice news from the US and around the world!

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Have you come across any confusing ideas about what ‘counts’ as rape? This guide clears up so many common questions – here’s what everyone needs to know about what rape means.

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