Indigenous person laughing, looking off to the side

How would the US be different with a constitution focusing on human rights, rather than property rights? For one thing, it’d would’ve been harder for European colonists to legally justify slavery, genocide, and the left of land. We can’t rewrite the old constitution, but here’s why we need to act and what we can do to recenter Indigenous people in our country.

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When women take note of sexism during their daily lives, they stop accepting it as “normal.” But, in general, sexism, so densely woven into our habits, language, and traditions, is a subtle and slippery thing. Research shows that most people don’t see sexism even when it’s right in front of their noses. How do you think about and respond to these 10 everyday sexisms?

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Lately, I’ve noticed a frightening Internet trend. It’s the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. Do these anti-feminists really know what they’re talking about? Do they understand what feminism is, or are they ascribing their beliefs to antiquated or invented stereotypes about the movement? And how can we talk to anti-feminists about feminism in a healthy way?

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