Do you know any single parents? Then you should know what’s hurtful and helpful to say to them. This mom has learned a lot about the judgments thrown at single parents, including well-intended words that cause harm. Find out what not to say to a single parent, and get ideas for how to offer support. Let’s help break the isolation and stigma single parents face.

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We live with a deep and persistent societal tolerance for the use of women’s bodies by others for their own purposes, profit, political gain and entertainment. Cameras and harassment are the tip of an iceberg of male regulation of women’s bodies and behaviors. Legislation, based on a cultural acceptance of women’s bodies as public resources, is much more pernicious.

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Here’s your Weekly Feminist Round-Up, a collection of the top sociopolitical news stories and creative justice-focused content from around the globe. This week: Janay Rice speaks out about those racist DV Halloween costumes, updates from the missing Nigerian girls, and the unspoken problem with that video about street harassment in New York City. Check it out!

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Person covering ears and screaming

Folks in the media are notorious for saying abysmal things about survivors of sexual violence. But for most survivors, it doesn’t take a media spotlight to beget insensitive, uninformed, and downright erroneous remarks about their experiences. Unfortunately, it’s something they face every day. So here are some things we should stop saying to survivors – immediately.

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The problem of youth homelessness is not often addressed. And when the media does bring attention to it, the discussion is often clouded by victim-blaming, misinformation, and an unfair representation of the situation. So let’s set the record straight with these five important facts about the real lives of the homeless youth population in the United States.

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“Agender” by definition means “someone without gender,” and falls under the big, colorful trans umbrella. While the identity is easily summed up in a sentence or two, the concept is where people seem to get lost. So, here’s a guide to the most common assumptions, faux pas, and outright weird notions about people who are agender that pop up in everyday life.

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Due to the “no public funding for abortions” mantra, since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has denied federal Medicaid coverage of it and a shrinking number of state Medicaid cover it. So 1 in 4 women who would have had a Medicaid-funded procedure if funds had been available are unable to obtain one. That’s too many low-income women who essentially had their choice taken away due to their income level.

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A recent study finds that girls who’ve suffered sexual harassment often see it as “normal stuff” that “just happens” because it’s what “guys do.” Translation: they frame their own experiences of harassment based on cultural notions about what gender and sexuality are — or should be. Sad, then, isn’t it, that those cultural notions are often bullshit.

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Despite all of the gains the LGBTQIA+ community has made, bisexual people are still looked upon with confusion — or outright scorn — by gay, lesbian, and straight people alike. Here we are in the supposedly enlightened year of 2014 – and yet, biphobia persists. Here are a few tiresome lies society really needs to stop telling about bisexual people.

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(Trigger warning: Rape) Check out this TED Talk by activist Tony Porter about how the expectations of masculinity and restrictive gender roles lead to disrespect of and violence against women. He shares powerful stories from different points in his life and encourages men to act outside of the narrow box that society places them in.

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The sheer volume of unsolicited opinions that people project upon women’s bodies is staggering. It’s almost like there was a memo sent all of humanity, declaring that women’s bodies are constantly subject to public commentary. But these comments are motivated by something much deeper than that. Here’s what people really mean when they talk about your body.

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