For 24 years, Golda tried every diet imaginable until she realized she could make a different choice — accepting her body and treating it well — and has since dedicated herself to helping others take the same journey. In this TEDxTalk, Golda Poretsky busts myths about the relationship between weight and health and to prove, based on research, that health (and body-love) comes in every size.

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I think nearly everyone knows the feeling of being uncomfortable in your body and wearing too much clothing to cover it up. But all that makes you is sweaty, uncomfortable, and angry. A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to let myself be angry and uncomfortable (or sweaty!) any more. So I started using a technique that I’m going to share with you right now.

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It’s that time of year! Yes, the holidays have come around once again. It’s a chance to catch up with family, eat some delicious food, and show your loved ones how much you appreciate them. But there are some downsides to the holidays – especially when dealing with body shaming and relatives who aren’t very understanding. This can make the holidays hard to navigate.

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For years I was like a lot of Americans who list “LOSE WEIGHT” as their top new year’s priority. But what if I told you that the current you was actually pretty awesome and you didn’t in fact need a you-replacement? Rather than pursuing a new YOU this year, try pursuing a new VIEW, where you already have the perfect body to have the best new year imaginable.

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You might ask yourself how you can be a righteous, authentic feminist, waving the flag for body-positivity, even though you’re struggling with an eating disorder. Well, as this article explains, feminism isn’t about being ashamed of yourself or your process. It’s about owning your truth and sharing it. You (and your story) are a critical part of this revolution!

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Body image activism is my thing. The quickest way to piss me off is to tell me that body image isn’t an important feminist issue. Within the body-positive movement is my community – and my whole heart. But as much as I love it, I also think that it could use some improvements. So here are five new directions that I’d like to see it take.

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Person looking directly at camera, against a gray background

The body positivity movement has made great strides in helping bodies of all shapes feel loved, cherished, and acceptable. But what does it mean when major media outlets create lists of body image heroines and virtually every woman listed is white? In this article, Sonya Renee Taylor details the racist undertones that have caused the movement to overlook and neglect her and other black women’s body-loving activism for far too long.

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Growing up, it didn’t take much for me to realize that power lay in the masculine. There was power in being one of the boys. And I wanted in. It’s no wonder why some women trade in their womanhood for a piece of the golden ticket to ride along the manhood train of success. And in doing so, these women cut themselves off from the rest of womankind. They become the exception – the loophole women.

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Fine lines, dull skin, loss of muscle tone, gray hair – all these trappings of a mature body that society has deemed shameful pop up on my radar now more than ever. Some of these traits are starting to show up in my own body and some are yet to arrive, but the messages about their insidiousness are penetrating my consciousness now when they used to just bounce away like so much noise.

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