American media has a history of ignoring the marginalized in our society, including America’s poor. “But wait! I can think of an example!” Perhaps you can. But unfortunately, media representation isn’t enough; diverse and accurate media representation is essential. Here are four examples of cliche representations of poor people that don’t fit that bill.

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The Internet is very much a public space – with all of the same sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia of our streets, but often, much worse. Women are the targets of a lot of this ugliness. Not unlike street harassment in the way we feel its hovering, ominous presence and the way it can control our actions — or at least try to — online harassment is an issue to be taken seriously.

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If you’re newly single, you shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about how you heal – and that includes if you heal in a sexual way or if you choose not to. You might get a lot of advice and judgments. But here’s all the post-breakup bedroom advice you need: a comic to remind you that you know what’s best and healthiest for you, no matter what anyone else says.

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“What has feminism actually accomplished?” We get this question from skeptics a lot. Here’s Cristen Conger with some notable feminist achievements from the last few years. What would you add to the list?

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Recently, an acquaintance invited me to a party. “It’s just for women and we will have a male stripper, but you can come since you’re gay.” I politely declined. Black, gay, and recently married are just a few of my identities. Identities are constantly changing and are largely self-created. Allies need to fully understand, respect, and encourage this belief.

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I lived a very long time with the belief that my body was my enemy. I believed it had betrayed me, swallowed me up, and that the real me was deep down somewhere inside. Because I was a girl, self-hatred was part of my cultural inheritance. My life began when I stopped trying to lose weight and set my mind to losing hate. Because I only get one body, and I will fight for it, not against it.

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