Do you know who threw the first punch at Stonewall? Do you know when the movement changed from “liberation” to “pride,” and why? If you care about justice for LGBTQIA+ communities, you have to know this history. Don’t miss these crucial lessons from Laverne Cox on why we must fight transphobia and end patriarchy, racism, and classism in the LGBTQIA+ community.

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The depiction of rape in the media is not an inherently bad thing. But it is a bad thing when rape is part of a story line just for entertainment, for added suspense and sparkle. When television shows like Law & Order: SVU use and capitalize on rape as a means to allure viewers, the “featured” rape story becomes reduced to a mere gimmick, which is troubling and offensive.

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This article was originally published on The Huffington Post and republished here with the author’s permission. What does it mean to be a white ally for racial justice? Is it sharing a Jordan Edwards hashtag on twitter? Publicly decrying a lack of judicial justice every time a Black man is murdered by the police? Passing…

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So you’ve figured out that you’re polyamorous. Awesome! But you’re also currently in a monogamous relationship. Uh-oh. Entering into a polyamorous relationship from a previously monogamous one can take work – but not only is it not impossible. It also can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships! Check out this comic to learn how to talk to your partner about your polyamory.

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Whether it’s an everyday problem or a big life decision, turning to someone else for support and advice can feel uncomfortable and awkward. But listening and giving advice is equally tricky. Helping a loved one through a difficult time can be tough. It’s important to be conscious of your words and actions. Let’s discuss the everyday phrases that might give the wrong impression to a friend in need.

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While it’s great that more people are identifying as feminist, I’m also bored with claims that feminism is the notion that women are people or a belief in equality – and nothing more. I’m not interested in a feminism that’s not grounded in the hard work of dismantling oppression. Because we don’t need a feminism that’s trendy — we need one that’s transformative.

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