You’ve probably thought before about the implications that feminist ideals can have on your relationships. Society’s social norms can make things tricky, especially when not all of our relationships exist with equally as feminist people. But how you chose to relate to and with others is completely up to you. The ultimate feminist act is to practice this.

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A couple kissing on their wedding day

“You can’t be a feminist and get married!” Ever heard that from someone else or in your own head? The idea that modern marriage excludes feminism is absurd and insulting. You should be free to make your own choices and have a wedding that fits your values, if a wedding is what you choose. Here are some helpful tips to get you thinking about how to make the feminist wedding of your dreams.

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I remember the first time I heard Sandra Fluke tell the story of her her friend who needed contraception to manage her painful polycystic ovary syndrome. I remember why she spoke in the first place – because women still live through harsh realities, realities we have the power to change with a voice and a vote.

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A group of activists rallying under a rainbow flag

The mainstream Gay Rights™ movement has made a lot of important gains – like marriage equality, for instance – but it leaves a lot of folks wondering: Have we forgotten our own history? Check out this article to understand the ways in which the history of queer and trans liberation needs to inform our activism today – and why prison abolition should be a top priority.

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We all know that homelessness, suicide, homophobia, and transphobia remain awful realities for too many young LGBTQIA+ people. These crises get a decent amount of attention. But many LGBTQIA+ teens face different challenges that don’t always make it on our radar. Here are five issues that may not grab headlines, but are still pretty arduous for queer and trans teens today.

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