Latinas of all shapes, sizes, and ages suffer from disordered eating. Latinas are not immune from messages in the media telling us how to look. We may not be subjects in the mainstream body positivity conversation, but we’re certainly being told how we should look. And ignoring body image issues among Latinas forces us to think disordered eating is okay.

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I was a full-blown feminist in college. I also had a full-blown eating disorder. I came to feminism because I could feel the injustice in my obsession. Feminism gave me the framework to see that my eating disorder was part of something larger. But I still couldn’t tell anyone because I felt like a bad feminist. Here’s 5 ways I worked through that inappropriate shame.

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Silhouettes of raised hands against a gradient background of teal and sea green

For too long, the feminist movement has excluded too many people. And that hurts all of us. You might have learned about how oppression is connected and why solidarity is important, so here’s the next step – how to create actual inclusivity. From someone who’s fought for her own inclusion, learn what it takes to change how we do our work for a more equitable world.

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Side portrait of a person sad, with their eyes closed

“You should be thankful!” Have you ever heard that about catcalls? Many conversations on street harassment leave out this part – how it feels when harassers are the only ones saying you’re beautiful. Here’s one woman’s story of getting messages that it’s impossible to be beautiful and be Black, and growing to reject those ideas and find validation in herself. (Trigger Warning)

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I do believe in body love and vulva-love is an integral part of it. Positive body image needs to encompass our whole female bodies, not just the parts that we like and are comfortable with. And in a society that teaches us constantly that female genitalia, by default, is offensive, we have a lot of work to do insofar as unlearning all of the bullshit and filling ourselves with enlightenment.

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The search for one’s own definition of what it means to be a man is an important part of maturity for young men. Many men look to popular culture for what male behavior is supposed to be and how we’re supposed to display it. But male-oriented advertising too often uses hyper-masculine images to sell products. Let’s take a look at just what they’re selling.

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With inaccurate media representations and the cultural stigma, there are a lot of misconceptions about people in the sex industry. We too often fail to see the complexity and diversity in who is engaged in commercial sex, why they’re doing it, and the degree of consent and coercion involved. These myths keep us from seeing this issue for what it really is. So let’s debunk them.

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So you’re interested in feminism, but you don’t know how to bring it into your everyday, run-of-the-mill, daily life. Maybe you want to start thinking through a more feminist lens; maybe you just want to learn what the heck slut shaming is. Here with six helpful tips is Erin McKelle! Watch her video to learn how to bring feminism into your everyday life.

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Flavia Dzodan responded to white feminism with: “My feminism will be intersectional, or it will be bullshit.” We need to be inclusive of all struggles, including racism — even when it makes white feminists uncomfortable to have their white privilege pointed out. Check out this spoken word poem on why feminism must be intersectional around race.

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