From a young age, boys are bombarded with images of the traditional model of masculinity as being strong, ready to fight, sexually entitled, and emotionless except for anger. And while many men aren’t violent, many fear being called “gay” or “girly” if they deviate from that norm too much. Here’s some ways to help your son develop his own sense of healthy masculinity.

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“How can you be a feminist if you shave your legs?” “How can you be a feminist if you date men?” “How can you be a feminist and wear dresses?” If you’ve ever claimed the title of “feminist,” chances are that you’ve had that identity challenged based on some tired old stereotypes. Check out this video debunking some common misconceptions about feminists.

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In this Weekly Feminist Round-Up: the connection between the reaction to ebola and racism is explored, we get some rather triumphant news from Texas about abortion access, and justice was served for Jordan Davis, a young black man murdered over loud music. Read about these and other feminist and social justice news from the US and around the world!

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The “gray area” we have come to know as an inevitable part of sex is a product of our culture’s unhealthy approach to sex. But this murky confusion does not have to and should not exist. We need to talk openly about the “gray area” myth and how it plays out in order to recognize instances in which consent is being assumed where it does not exist and in order to have truly consensual sexual experiences.

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Many of us did not become feminists on a college campus or in an activist environment. So there needs to be dialogue that represents and facilitates the experience of feminism in more personal contexts. I think that Beyoncé’s album has some pretty radical feminist sentiments, and the fact that another feminist disagrees with that does not make me wrong, nor does it make that other woman right.

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