There’s been a lot of awesome victories for LGBTQ people in 2014! From protection against workplace discrimination, famous people coming out, to trans women of color changing the world, this video of Camille Beredjick of GayWrites provides an awesome list of how more and more people are talking about and taking action to support LGBTQ rights.

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The idea that intimate partner violence occurs in lesbian relationships may seem ridiculous. But this belief isn’t only false; it’s damaging. It can prevent lesbians from seeking help when they are in an abusive relationship. After all, who’s going to believe them? Here are four myths about IPV in lesbian relationships that can prevent women from seeking help.

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The ideas around social capital and popularity often run alongside privilege and desirability politics. Previously, I wasn’t aware of these terms. But after a few, let’s say, “discussions” with other organizers, I’m  was made aware of the ways social capital can create hierarchies in organizing spaces. These conversations led to a few things: Some folks…

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With the passage of the new year, most consider the holiday season to be officially over. Almost overnight, we turn our focus to self-improvement. Holidays can be a stressful time for many. The resulting strain can leave you feeling exhausted and resistant to starting your next chapter. If you’re feeling holiday burnout, here are some self-care tips for the new year.

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More than ever, the millenial generation has eagerly embraced the “sad chic” mentality. We worship existentialism as long as it has shiny packaging, with pretty people saying poetic things. Soft grunge basically transforms taboo emotions into an aesthetic. This appropriation of mental illness is troubling, and this is where the commodification and idolization of soft grunge becomes a problem.

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Person with finger held to lips, shushing

What have you heard about transexual people living in “stealth?” Misconceptions about “passing” are common among everyone – including cis and straight folks, LGBQIA+ people, and other trans people. These false ideas undermine the very valid reasons why transexuals make their own choices about how they show up in the world. Here’s an article to help us get it right.

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