For all of us who are men who believe in social justice, who want healthy and beautiful lives for our loved ones, and who are working for positive change in the world, let us commit or re-commit to making feminism central in our lives, values, and actions. It is time for men in the millions to take courageous action in our society to further feminist revolution.

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In recent years, it has become apparent to me that I have traveled through my life with blinders on. This restriction limited the chance of my challenging societal norms associated with my biological sex and seeing them for what they are, ideas and judgments created long ago by a few members of a patriarchal society whose sole purpose and desire was and is to keep women in a subservient role.

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Construction jobs are a desirable career choice for many. However, while sex discrimination is illegal, many construction sites have anti-women attitudes, making construction jobs less desirable and more torturous for women. I know because it happened to me. And we need to increase the number of women in the construction industry so that this doesn’t happen.

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Some people seem to think that lesbians aren’t as subjected to misogyny as straight women are–and that’s just not true. All women are turned into sexual objects–even lesbians. Here to set the record straight about how misogyny affects lesbians is Arielle Scarcella. Watch her explain a few of the ways lesbian women are objectified, oppressed, and marginalized.

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Walking through the world as a fat woman has its own challenges. But when you’re a fat woman who’s dating someone with a thin, more socially acceptable body — someone people don’t think you deserve — well, that’s something else. Watch Rachel Wiley express some of the honest thoughts and anxieties that come with being loved by a skinny boy in this spoken word performance.

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Short hair, bow ties, flannel — the norm is that queer women present more masculine. And while that is a perfectly valid form of expression, the normalization of this image can lead to the erasure of queer women who don’t present this way. Check out this poem by Joy Young recalling how a femme friend of hers had to fight for visibility in the queer community.

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When my partner Drew and I decided to have a baby, we initially didn’t even consider surrogacy. We eventually realized that, no matter which path we chose, the road ahead would be bumpy. That’s when we gave surrogacy a more serious look, and we found that the fears that scared us away from it were all unfounded. Here’s what we were afraid of, and what we learned.

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