All youth should feel protected, safe, and happy, but far too many young people who are sexual and/or a/gender minorities do not. So how can we change that? Let’s start by understanding it. Delve into three issues that have a major impact on the mental health of LGBTQIA+ youth, and get informed with some concrete evidence on what we need to change for our youth.

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If you were to accept everything you heard about Latinas, you might think they were scheming and hypersexual, yet socially conservative women whose “equal educational opportunities” and “competitive purchasing power” signify their “arrival.” In fact, the lives of U.S. Latinas are much more nuanced than pundits, marketers, and producers would like to convince you.

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Feminists today are highly concerned with language and its implications. Here at Everyday Feminism, we advise respectful discourse with the aim to uplift and educate one another. We’re aiming to improve your day-to-day lives. But if I’m going to be human and imperfect and slip up every once in a while, I’d at least like to do it in a quasi-feminist way.

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The truth is: There are different kinds of fitspiration. There are different approaches that all call themselves the same thing. And a common mistake that people make is not distinguishing between them. Because not all fitspo is bad. But some of it actually inspires more unhealthy habits than healthy ones. So be media literate and body-positive enough to know what you’re doing and why.

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In some regions, any association with feminism, social liberalism, and/or alliance with LGBTQIA+ causes can cast you in the role of a pariah. But even though you may feel like an outcast, you are not alone. In owning your beliefs, you join the generations of activists who came before you to stand for equality. Here are some tips to maintain your resolve to keep fighting the good fight.

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