Too often bisexuality and pansexuality are pitted against each other in the name of fighting transphobia. Calling out transphobia is vital. But too often this debate is used more to devalue the other identity. Let’s talk about why this debate is hurting cis polysexual people and trans people of all sexual orientations and how we can support everyone instead.

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I’m not going to tell you that labels are for soup cans, although I understand that sentiment. But the secret that no one is telling you is this: This is who you are, and your experience is valid – with or without a label affixed. But for everyone who’s got a hold on identifying their feelings, but needs help figuring out a label, let’s talk about it.

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Though coming out as queer and/or trans can be empowering, homophobia and transphobia often ostracize people from their families and cultural spaces. While this type of loss is deeply painful for all who experience it, it’s even more arduous when exacerbated by the racism, xenophobia, and systemic and legislative violence that comes with being Latinx in the US.

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We talk a lot about street harassment as an issue affecting women. But there’s another group that is disproportionately targeted for this kind of violence, only we don’t talk about them nearly as much. Here to fix that is Kat Lazo. Watch Kat take to the streets of NYC and discuss street harassment and other forms of violence with members of the queer community.

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The only way to begin to understand unique intersections of identity is to listen to the perspectives of people who’ve lived those experiences. So to learn what it’s like to be Black and gay, you have to listen to the stories of Black gay and lesbian folks. In this video, members of the Black queer community speak up about the unique trials and triumphs they’ve faced.

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In her coming out speech, Ellen Page confessed that she felt as though she was “lying by omission” in her failure to explicitly confirm her sexuality. The HRC posted a headline congratulating Page on her decision to “live authentically.” “Lying,” “omission,” and “authentically” all strongly connote deception. And that just doesn’t sit well with me.

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When you’re depressed, anxious, abused, and/or have been isolated your whole life, it’s easy to feel like other people can’t really ever get close. Socializing is really hard for people who’ve had nothing but abuse. And we keep waiting for someone healthy to save us. But they can’t. So how can we fight this process and end the cycle? Here are some ways to get started.

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I write this to speak to transgender men who love, desire, and have sex with other men (cis and trans). I write to you with a request. It is not common to discuss the homophobia that exists within our trans men and queer boi communities, especially among those of us who are of color. So brothers, please let’s talk about it now before it’s too late.

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Telling the truth is hard. There’s social pressure to see things in certain ways and to tell certain premeditated status-quo enabling truths. Society coerces us into telling a narrative that doesn’t reflect the truths that we know, but rather the truths that society so desperately wants us to believe. But we can do better for ourselves – and for others.

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Virginity. It’s something we all know of, something we’ve all talked about. It’s something we, as a culture, obsess over. The idea of your first penis-in-vagina sexual encounter being something significant and life altering (well, for women anyway) may seem like just a tradition, but it’s actually very problematic and even harmful. Here are five reasons why.

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