Why don’t we include Irish and other white cultures in discussions of race in the US? You might bring this up to argue that white people experience racism, too – but here’s Kat Blaque on what you’re missing.

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This article was originally published on In These Times. It has been lightly edited and republished here with the author’s permission. Ever since the earth-shaking election of Donald Trump, there have been innumerable articles arguing that Democrats brought this upon themselves by losing white, working-class voters in the Midwest. These articles have been met with…

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How can we better understand white privilege and use this knowledge to make the world better for everyone? To this day, so many conversations about [white] privilege are rendered futile because of an inability to accept that our society systematically uplifts some individuals while marginalizing others. Too often, there is a stubborn refusal to accept…

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Originally published on Medium and republished here with permission. More than two months after the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to unpack my thoughts on the ripple effect of the march. And, although there is a litany of elucidating articles and posts on social media written on…

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