Trans men, like all people, need to know how to have fulfilling, safe, healthy sex to feel whole and good about ourselves. We deserve it (and don’t let anyone tell you differently). But most out trans boys, trans men, and trans masculine people I know receive inadequate, if not wholly non-existent, sex talks. So here are seven key places to start.

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There’s a lot of misinformation still out there about vaginal sexual response and what is considered “normal,” driven home by patriarchal ideals about what vaginal orgasm “should” look like. This leads people with vaginas to second-guess their own bodies and forget that they too experience and deserve sexual satisfaction – for their own sake.

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When someone is pregnant, their body is often viewed as public property. As a result, many people feel free to make wildly inappropriate comments about everything, from their appearance to their lifestyle choices to their medical decisions. But pregnancy doesn’t negate autonomy! So here are seven examples of common comments and questions that we need to stop saying.

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Pregnant person lying on a bed, looking concerned

It doesn’t take an expert to know that the celeb moms we fawn over don’t have the typical post-pregnancy experience. But applauding “bouncing back” from a pregnant body is just one of the ways we send humiliating messages to people who have given birth. Have you internalized these messages? Here’s your guide to challenging the criticism of the post-pregnancy body.

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The predominant message sent to young mothers and pregnant teens in the media, by politicians, and from teachers at schools is that they are promiscuous, tarnished goods who are bringing “problem children” into the world. But that simply isn’t true. Here are just a few of the lies we need to stop telling about teen pregnancy and young motherhood in the U.S.

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Do you know any single parents? Then you should know what’s hurtful and helpful to say to them. This mom has learned a lot about the judgments thrown at single parents, including well-intended words that cause harm. Find out what not to say to a single parent, and get ideas for how to offer support. Let’s help break the isolation and stigma single parents face.

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