Birth control is not one-size-fits-all. There are a lot of choices out there, and they all work differently. It’s no wonder people get confused. As feminists, we are wholly dedicated to your right to choose. So if you’ve ever wondered “How the #*%! does this work?” or “Which option is best for me and my lifestyle?” then this article is for you.

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I do believe in body love and vulva-love is an integral part of it. Positive body image needs to encompass our whole female bodies, not just the parts that we like and are comfortable with. And in a society that teaches us constantly that female genitalia, by default, is offensive, we have a lot of work to do insofar as unlearning all of the bullshit and filling ourselves with enlightenment.

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As a gay feminist, I’ve had to tell many the straight boy, “Those jokes make me feel uncomfortable. Please stop.” The percussive nature of gay rape jokes can certainly get a laugh, but they also speak to some of our societal attitudes regarding rape and queer sexuality. Here are some answers to the question, “Why do people think gay rape jokes are okay?”

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Person holding their finger to their lip, in a "shhh" motion

You’ve been told that you’re not strong enough, not smart enough, not aggressive enough. You’ve been told that these weaknesses and character flaws keep you from achieving certain things. And you’ve had more than enough of those lies. Here are some dangerous myths society has taught you. It’s time to get free and unlearn them, and this is a helpful start.

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Have you ever noticed how violent our language is? Even when we aren’t even talking about anything inherently violent itself? You’ve probably also noticed that that’s a lot of sexual violence. This language might seem unimportant or coincidental, but our language shapes the way we see our world. So how can every one of us work to stop using language derived from sexual violation?

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Fatphobia in so many ways is about hating and policing women and our bodies, but what I’ve realized recently is that the fatphobia that fat men experience is also a result of misogyny. I have found many themes that pointed to fatphobia toward men, at its roots, being about anxiety that men were becoming woman-like. Ultimately, I believe that the treatment of fat men is a feminist issue.

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As a woman, you may feel like the world is flooding your mental inbox with constant messages of how to think, feel, and behave. And as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it may seem as though everyone feels entitled to comment on your “lifestyle” as well. People have some rigid ideas of how both women and gay people should go about their lives. You don’t have to listen to a word of them.

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If you grew up Latinx in the United States, you might have spent your most formative years going to church with your abuelita — not talking openly about sex or relationships with your parents. I was raised in a very Catholic, Mexican-American family. My Catholic school education included lectures by religion teachers about the dangers…

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If you grew up in the United States, it is almost inevitable that you’ve been subject to a few standard aphorisms. These include things like: “Anyone can make it here if they try hard enough,” “Nothing worth having comes easy,” “Hard work pays off,” “Winners never quit, and quitters never win,” and “Success is no…

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Pile of "Hello, my name is _____" labels

So, someone in your life has asked to be called by a different name. It can be tough to understand name changes at first and really hard to break the habit. But if you want this person to know that you respect them, it’s extremely important that you respect their name choice. How? Learn all about it with these helpful hints on how to navigate relearning a name.

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