I want my consent to be fun, freaky, sexy, silly, seductive, creative, captivating! I want it all, and I want it healthy and mutual! What’s wonderful, though, is that it can be ALL of these things and more. Studies have shown that healthy, open communication leads to better sex. And who doesn’t want better sex? Here are some ways asking for and giving consent can be fun and satisfying.

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The United States incarcerates a greater proportion of its population than any country in the world by far. When so few know the full extent of their own rights, even fewer are aware of or do not care about the rights guaranteed to the incarcerated. Despite the supposed “guarantee” of these rights, prisoners all over the U.S. are forced to serve out sentences in inhumane and torturous conditions.

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A while back, I posted about some common misperceptions of surrogacy, and now I want to share some information about the other part of the equation: the egg donor. I want to help prospective parents who might be exploring their own fertility options. If your fertility plans involve an egg donor or if you’re just curious about the process, here are a few facts I learned while exploring the options.

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There’s never a shortage of discord within the feminist community. These internal disagreements are often spoken about as being negative. But what if we collectively decided that disagreement isn’t inherently bad? I’m here to argue that we need difference of opinion within the feminist community — both for the good of the movement, and for the end of oppression.

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Students have come to understand “fairness” as simply equal treatment. You’re familiar with this playground mentality of fairness: “I get two crackers, and you two crackers.” But here’s the thing: Treating everyone exactly the same actually is not fair. What equal treatment does do is erase our differences and promote privilege. Let me break it down.

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Person in a sweatshirt with their hands up in the air, celebrating success, in the sunset

Feminism hasn’t always been inclusive, so transgender folks who are frustrated with feminism have valid reasons. But if you want to know what a positive experience for a trans feminist could be like, look no further than this article. This author shows how valuable – and life-changing – a trans-inclusive feminism can be. This is how we want our feminism to be.

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Most of us have had a shitty job or two. But how many of us have had to support ourselves fully – let alone support a family – on a job like this? There are a lot of people out there who have to do just that. They earn the minimum wage at a thankless job that is their only form of income. And that income is extremely low. Simply put, the minimum wage is too low and has been that way for too long.

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