Recently I got an angry e-mail from someone who knows my parents pretty well, and had read something I had written about privilege. “How disrespectful can you be!? You’re spitting in the face of everything your parents have worked for.” I explained that acknowledging privilege doesn’t discredit any of my dad’s hard work. It simply puts that hard work in context.

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For years I was like a lot of Americans who list “LOSE WEIGHT” as their top new year’s priority. But what if I told you that the current you was actually pretty awesome and you didn’t in fact need a you-replacement? Rather than pursuing a new YOU this year, try pursuing a new VIEW, where you already have the perfect body to have the best new year imaginable.

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I believe strongly in the idea that women need to lift one another up; it’s a basic tenet of my feminism. And because one system that tends to give us a lot of trouble is the workplace and our attempts at career advancement, when young feminists write to find out my supposed secrets to success, I’m all for it. So you want a feminist job? Here are some things to keep in mind.

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Holidays. While most people look forward to the time off, seeing family and friends, and all the delicious food that usually comes with them, if you’re in recovery, that last one can be quite the challenge. It’s something I struggled with a lot while I was still in recovery, so I thought I’d share some of the things that got me through difficult times.

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We’re loving this dose of Kat Blaque’s True Tea – her brutal honesty on the question of whether or not black people can be racist, with a much-needed breakdown of what racism actually is.

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We usually use “objectification” to refer to the male gaze – but have you ever wondered if a woman posting sexy pictures of herself was “inviting” objectification? Melissa A. Fabello’s smart answer might change your perspective.

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Person writing "Post-Racial" on a wall

How do you feel about living in a “post-racial” world? It’s a supposedly utopian world where we have magically moved past racial hierarchies and oppressions, and race doesn’t exist. But this author doesn’t want conditions in which racism is constantly perpetuated because we’re unwilling to name it. Read on for the dangers of living in a “post-racial” world.

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Animosity over cultural differences can lead to anything from bully and stereotyping, to war and genocide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We take in prejudice slowly and silently through socialization. But because we learn prejudice, we can also unlearn it. Here are a few ways you can fight oppression and practice communal harmony in your everyday life.

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